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Funded projects
Projects related to discipline chemistry/chemical engineering
Predictive methods for determining the decomposition properties of hazardous substances: from development to experimental verification — HAZPRED
SocioTechnical safety Assessment within Risk Regulation Regimes – STARS
Sensor development, intelligent data logging, mining and analysis, model updating and statistical methods to predict the performance of aging infrastructures
Development and validation of a KPI-based method and a user-friendly software tool for resilience-focused measurement of OSH management system performance — KPI-OSH-Tool
Building a European platform for evaluation of consequence models dedicated to emerging risks — SAPHEDRA
Safety Performance Indicators for Inspectorates (SPI²)
Safety assessment of flow battery electrolytes - SABATLE
Integrated Management of Safety and Security Synergies in Seveso Plants (SAF€RA 4STER)
Lithium-ion battery’s life cycle: safety risks and risk management at workplaces
SafeLiBatt - Safety and risk assessment of 1st and 2nd life lithium-ion batteries
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